The workshops can run 1, 2 or 3 days depending on the level of content your organization prefers. A 2 or 3 day workshop is most effective.
The workshops will cover the key aspects of innovation. This applies to any area in your organization that might benefit from creativity: product, systems and services development. We focus on techniques to enhance problem (opportunity) definition, customer engagement, and team dynamics of the design group. A key concept in our training is ideation, which is where concepts are generated and prototypes are developed. The workshops focus on a suite of creativity techniques and a set of organizational culture skills that will enhance an organization’s ability to foster innovation.
No. Any group of people who work together to accomplish something will need creativity and innovation. What Creo brings to the table is a proven process. All organizations have problems to solve and opportunities to capture. We will train you in techniques that will unleash creativity on these problems and opportunities. Financial institutions, non-profit organizations, and medical enterprises have taken our training, as well as companies doing research and product development. Everyone needs creativity.
There are 12 main innovation sessions in the Creo Innovation Process
It depends on your desire. We offer 1, 2 and 3 day trainings. During the 2 and 3 day trainings, you will get experience with all 12. The 1 day training will expose you to fewer. We can customize the training according to your needs.
Here is an overview:
Session 1- The Design Innovation (DI) Process & Discover Phase - Stakeholder Engagement: Dr. Jensen’s background (short- but critical to provide qualifications), 4 Ds (Discover, Define, Develop, Deliver) as a process for design innovation. Stakeholder engagement techniques including interviewing techniques, contextual needs analysis and affinity analysis.
Session 2- Micro Design Innovation Activity
Practicing the 4 Ds (Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver) to design a product, system or service for your stakeholders.
Session 3- Define Phase: Modeling the User & the System:
Activity Analysis, Journey Maps including touch points, channels and user empathy. Innovation opportunities through modeling of the users’ interaction with the product/system. Functional decomposition of the product/system/service.
Session 4- Design Methods/Processes with Focus on Innovation and Ideation (generation of ideas for product/system/service concepts): The role of ideation in creative design, the correlation between quality design methods and resulting innovation, functional decomposition as a foundation for ideation, using morphological matrices to organize and enhance concept generation.
Session 5- Personality Types, Teamwork and Innovation: The role of team dynamics in design, using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) tool for team selection and enhancing team effectiveness, the effect of teamwork on creativity, rules for effective team interaction. Understanding how different personality types provide different aspects of creativity. How to structure physical environments to enhance creativity across all MBTI types.
Session 6- Beyond Brainstorming- the Most Prolific Ideation Techniques: The ineffectiveness of classical brainstorming, the 6-3-5 rotational sketching idea generation technique, the cognitive basis for developing ideas “outside of the box”, using Mind Maps, assessment of concept generation (quality, quantity and novelty of ideas). “Design Thinking” and it’s role in innovative product development.
Session 7- Analogies as the Basis for Ideation: Use of a new design by analogy technique that employs grammatical analogies and incorporates them into a Mind Map. Use of other analogy techniques including the visual thesaurus, techniques for using biological analogy to inspire design, and far-field analogies for inspiring disruptive innovation.
Session 8- Using Prototypes for Ideation and Feasibility Verification: How design fixation limits innovation, benefits of prototyping, determining the number of prototypes to produce, issues of scaling, subsystem prototypes, how design requirements affect prototyping decisions, how cost and schedule affect prototyping decisions, using prototypes in product testing, how tools like Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) can drive prototyping strategy. Overview of Google’s “Prototyping Sprint” technique.
Session 9 – Techniques for Enhancing Creativity: “Box Busters”: “Instant” techniques: “do the opposite”, “suspend constraints”, “violate the physics”, “load, relax, capture”, “tech push vs. tech pull”, “ask then observe & become the customer”, “use of physical manipulatives”.
Session 10 – Organizational Efforts at Innovation: Five organizational strategies for increasing innovation: Corporate acquisitions, “Guru” based model, Skunk Works, R & D based, Cultural Overhaul. Creativity’s role in innovation. Difference between disruptive and incremental innovation.
Session 11 – Organizational Culture’s Effect on Innovation #1: Creativity enhancing features of a physical environment, activity diagrams & mission chronology mapping, Google’s Innovation Time Out (ITO) + 3M’s built in accountability, Pixar’s Braintrust group idea generation/refinement process, Honda’s use of S-Curves. The role of risks – creating parallel and orthogonal risk structures. Creating reward systems to foster innovation. The need for training in innovation enhancement methods.
Session 12 – Organizational Culture’s Effect on Innovation #2: Authority structures and how they affect disruptive innovation, inclusion of “outsiders” in ideation – the Medici Effect. The need for top level support and organizational stability to create a creativity rich environment. Tech Transfer Issues: What’s needed for an invention disclosure, elements of a patent, development of patents in government and private context, peer reviewed publications. Techniques to imbed innovation practices: the “Innovation Library”, Supervisors’ “innovation check-ups”, creating innovation bill boards.
Absolutely! Our innovation library is here. Also, a great, detailed resource for our process an methods is linked below.
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