Using the experience from teaching innovation and engineering at the university level for over 30 years, I work with a wide variety of organizations to enhance their innovation capability. Using the tools my colleagues and I have developed in the university as well as incorporating best practices of the many other innovation experts, my goal is to give my clients the tools they need to harness creativity to address their challenge and please their customers.
Dr Jensen is currently the Endowed Professor of Engineering and the Director of the Engineering Program at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA. He was a professor at the US Air Force Academy for 21 years and has been teaching “A Process & Methods to Enhance Innovation in Product/Systems Design” for over 2 decades. Dr. Jensen has trained thousands of people in these innovation methods. He has published over 140 peer reviewed articles in design methods, innovation and related engineering education. The use of these innovation methods has resulted in dozens of patent applications (some granted and some pending) and has assisted hundreds of product design, research, management and testing teams to enhance their innovation capability. Dr. Jensen is also a Fellow at the International Design Center which is a design research organization run by the Singapore University of Technology and Design and MIT.
Every organization has challenging issues, unmet goals and a variety of new opportunities. Creo comes alongside organizations and works to incorporate disruptive innovation to address these needs. We do this through the development of customized training programs to enhance innovation in your organization. This applies to teams working on product development, research, management, testing, quality control or other challenges you have. We also offer coaching of your onsite innovation facilitators. Our primary goal is to help you expand innovation capability in your organization.
CV-Dan Jensen (pdf)
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